Thursday, July 10, 2008


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Met Kathy, Terry, Anna Lee and Chris in lobby of their hotel
for a day excursion.  Couldn't buy and bring this brilliant vase
with me so a picture will have to do.

Went to the town of Sarchi, ox cart country.  This is a display model,
very large!

Odie says this sign has to do with prohibiting trash being put
there so that makes me happy.

Another beautiful church in this town.

Detailed painting done by hand.  They would never hire me.

This is their workshop with wood working in the upper level.

This is the second level with water wheels turning the machinery.
It was pretty amazing.

Evidently Costa Rica is a land of many different woods.  Some samples
displayed here.

The skeleton of an ox cart.

Samples of hand carving.

Another interesting tropical flower.

Picture of a picture since we had no oxen to see pulling carts.

Some of their wood crafts

Fields of sugar cane. I have yet to get a picture of a coffee tree.  We drive past
the plantations but no one ever stops.  I want to see how it actually is
formed on the tree.

From a bush at the university.

July 5, 2008
Two pictures of children's Sabbath School

Adult Sabbath School
The gentleman in the foreground is a student from our
university in Spain.  His church members joined ours
on this day.  They have the same pastor who actually
has four churches.  Busy man.

In the foreground is John the translator on the left and Crissy the speaker
on the right.  I never found out what the balloons were for but they like
to be festive!

Pastor Victor teaching the Sabbath School lesson. He is a very
compassionate and dear person

Children lined up to perform in Adult Sabbath School.  How they
love to have their pictures taken!

Getting ready to sing for us

A sweet little solo.  Both her parents are very musical.

Song service for church

Pastor Victor baptizing by immersion.  They lost their balance
but recovered without mishap.  Large lady, small pastor!

Pastor Victor's wife and youngest

Pastor Victor's wife and all three precious children

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